What’s happening at Edgesource

Edgesource Corporation Launches EdgesourceX to Bring Counter-sUAS Capabilities to the Commercial Sector
WindtalkerX and DowdingX products now available to provide situational awareness to arenas, healthcare, and critical infrastructure organizations ALEXANDRIA, Va., Dec. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Edgesource Corporation, a small business celebrating their 25-year anniversary delivering innovative solutions to the public sector, announced today that it has launched EdgesourceX, a commercial provider of Counter-Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems...
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Edgesource’s Joe Urbaniak Spoke With The New York Times About Our Work With Ukraine
Edgesource’s Joe Urbaniak spoke with The New York Times about our work with Ukraine, including providing training and technology to help monitor and protect their airspace. Edgesource has donated $2 million in systems that allow Ukraine to locate, identify and track...
Edgesource Corporation Acquires Auspex LLC, a Provider of Data Analytics Services
This acquisition will expand Edgesource’s capabilities in the national security sector ALEXANDRIA, Va., Nov. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Edgesource Corporation, a small business delivering innovative solutions to the public sector, announced today that it has...
Edgesource Demonstrates Windtalker C-sUAS Capabilities
Edgesource was invited to demonstrate and test our Windtalker and Dowding technology’s ability to detect and defeat sUAS in a real-world environment in Alberta, Canada. The 2022 Sandbox event was led by the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC), and coordinated...
Edgesource’s Joe Urbaniak Spoke With The New York Times About Our Work With Ukraine
Edgesource’s Joe Urbaniak spoke with The New York Times about our work with Ukraine, including providing training and technology to help monitor and protect their airspace. Edgesource has donated $2 million in systems that allow Ukraine to locate, identify and track...
Edgesource Corporation Acquires Auspex LLC, a Provider of Data Analytics Services
This acquisition will expand Edgesource’s capabilities in the national security sector ALEXANDRIA, Va., Nov. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Edgesource Corporation, a small business delivering innovative solutions to the public sector, announced today that it has...
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